AllThingsNele Member


  • mrstruegemini is my user name and my daughters is ShaeCutie add us as friends. Good luck on journey. We are here for the same reason. This is a wonderful supportive community. You will do great here
  • So you can eat a 600 cal breakfast a 200-300 calories snack a 600-800 cal lunch a 200-300 call snack dinner after 4 could be steam veggies or large salaD veggies only with a low fat dressing and snack would be fresh fruit... hhhmmmmm I'm going to give this a try. Thanks a bunch.
  • She never said she didn't eat at all Or deprived herself of calories. She said she eats all meal types before 4 pm meaning she eats all her meals before 4 p.m. then have only fruit and veggies after that time. I think she posted this thinking people had common sense. If you are on a 2000 calorie diet have all your heavy…
  • Just want to wish everyone good luck and they have great success. This is my third time this year trying this and I intend to stick to this time. The doctor says counting calories is more important that counting carbs etc. So the diet plan from doctor is this. 1500 calories (eat whatever you want as long as you dont go…