joebiebrich Member


  • I too have used this method. you don't jump completely off the treadmill you jump onto the sides and the belt continues to run underneath you. Then I basically lower myself down onto the belt, I don't jump onto it. That aside, tabata is amazing (meaning it hurts like hell)
  • I did run for your lives at the end of September, everyone loved it. For mud runs, just expect mud pits that are preceded or followed by mud hills to be the main problem. The climbing up the hills and getting through the water/mud will tax your body more than just running. Your shoes will get soaked and stuffed with mud. I…
  • Also, with a Polar, you can buy a new strap when it gets worn out. The sensor itself disconnects from the strap and can be attached to the new one. I'm not sure if sportline has this option.
  • Did this happen right away, or only as the strap has gotten worn? For what it's worth, I use a $75 Polar and don't have this problem.
  • Hi, first week for me. Weekly Goal: 4,000 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories…
  • I did 4 rounds with 35# dumbells
  • Agreed. You're in the gym to get stronger. Anyone who minds is most likely one of the guys lifting way too much weight with a horrible range of motion and crappy form. Oh, but look how many plates are on the bar!
  • have you been tested for a gluten allergy? constipation is a common side effect if you're intolerant or have celiac's
  • 90% of success is just showing up. Keeping logging in! Even when you don't feel like it. This is my first post, but this place seems like a family and I'm sure there will be no shortage of support for you. Congrats on taking the first step!
  • Have you tried the chocolate yet? I'm plan on buying some today, but will most likely stick to vanilla.