asyluma Member


  • Sigourney Weaver was in Avatar and All the aliens movies (this one is an easy cheat so you can pick any of the aliens saga to start the next actor/actress! =P )
  • It's not about the size that bothers me, it's the shape! I too believe my booty is bangin' lol. But it's when you stand straight with your knees kind of locked and you know you got that a) bottom of butt blend into the thighs and b) a whole lot of "cottage cheese", that's when you say hey, let's put a little more tone into…
  • Welcome, I'm a week strong newbie! Love everything and everyone, there's so much support here! Good luck and I hope you stick around!
    in New to MFP Comment by asyluma March 2010
  • Welcome, I've only been a member for about a week myself and am already loving it!! The food diary really helps you take a step back and say "wow" Makes me realize I have more control than I thought! LOL!
  • I was talking with my dad about a similar subject and he said that you shouldn't worry about getting huge muscles. Especially as women in general, unless you go complete body builder, our muscles aren't exactly designed to get big like a man. We have more tone than anything else, but building muscles actually helps you…
  • It ultimately depends on what you are willing to settle for. My husband went to and found a new one for like $120 I think, but it was manual.
  • My kids have me up at least 2 hours before I want to be! LOL! But even on those days when I'm really dragging, I set my coffee to automatically start brewing around 7. The smell always gets me up. If you're not a coffee drinker or don't have an auto one, maybe you can set an alarm or cell phone to go off with your favorite…
  • I let myself cheat by saying, "well I ate this at midnight (which I know is bad in itself anyway) but since it's right on the day change, it doesn't have to go on either day. Of course, I kick myself in the butt later. But I get over it by saying next time I'll log it or not eat it at all. Seeing my progress keeps me…