

  • mmmh that sounds right nice I will have to give it a try, thanks, although I am craving a McDonalds quarter pounder, HELP!!!! I am feeling really naughty today. xxx
  • Hi all, Hope you all had a fab weekend, I did but not in the calories way. lol. Friday, had one too many jaiegerbombs(so much for sticking to the low calorie drinks), So Saturday I was ill all day, finally recovered by night and went out for a curry. So my weekend was really bad, need to have a good week to make up for it,…
  • Hi all, Happy Birthday Lee, Congratulations on the stone target Kendrafallon, can't wait til I reach my first stone off. I've been really good today but it says I haven't ate enough calories, should you try and reach the target everyday? I've given up on the gym I hate it, started going to flabelos(wobble board thing at…
  • Thanks mimi I'll give the gin and soda a try, normally drink white wine or vodka and lemonade so might try lemonade and soda if i don't like the gin. Good luck everyone for a healthy week, we can all do it I know we can:happy:
  • Thanks Kpnuts23, Well I had my first weigh in this morning and didnt loose anything:sad: . I think I may have ate a bit too much at the weekend(oops) This weekend I am going to try and be good. Only downfall is i'm going out with a friend on Friday night and will no doubt drink too much. Whats the lowest calorie alcoholic…
  • Hi, Flabelos is a board you stand on and it wobbles you. You stay on for 10 mins and its supposed to reach the same results as an hour session at the gym. Its really fun. xxx
    in Hi Comment by katiefill March 2010
  • Hi everyone, Hope you don't mind me joining, I'm from Yorkshire, I've been on this site a week now and need to find some motivation I'm fine during the week but then its the weekends that get me down. I'll have my first weigh in tomorrow but no matter how hard I try I can't seam to shed the pounds. Hopefully this site will…