Drpmkumaran Member


  • First of all no MFP during pregnancy... You will require about 400 KCal and 15gm of protein per day more... And around 550 KCal and 25gm of protein more per day for the first 6 months of lactation... But only a doctor can tell you exactly as you need your daily activity level, current weightetc for the exact calculation...
  • Resting heart rate over 200 and they just told you to stop thyroid medications alone - ridiculous... 200 is a very high rate... You might need beta blockers for time being for the rate control... And I hope you are on a stimulant like methylphenidate for ADHD and they can also cause tachycardia... And having chest pain in…
  • I have been a vegetarian or rather lacto-vegetarian from birth... I have never had any deficiencies... Milk is a good source of B12... So if you take milk regularly then you can safely cut off your b12 supplements... And you do gave iron rich foods which are veggies... And nice to see a lot of vegetarians here... That's…
  • Awesome:-)... Keep going...
  • Any aerobic exercise or a cardio will burn your far.. Running will not make you bulkier in the thighs in the long run... You can also try doing exercises that will tone your quadriceps and your gluteal muscles... It'll give you a great shape when done regularly... The easiest one would be to stand behind a chair, just…