

  • I like the Special K protein shakes for breakfast because they're quick and I can store them at work. I don't usually have time to stop or cook breakfast. I've changed my breakfast's though lately to an Uncrustable (210 calories) and I can take it from the freezer and by the time I get to work I have a quick PB&J to…
  • My doctor prescribed them to me. And when he did I knew up front what the consequences were and took them intentionally. He did not call them diet pills and I dont think of them that way. They are behaviour modification. It did nothing for weight loss if I did not control my calories. What it did do was help me avoid foods…
  • There are a good number of us from Tulsa and the surrounding 'burbs. And like someone else said in general most of us are friendly and helpful. So whatever you need ask, and we will do what we can to either help or point you in the right direction.
  • I had a trainer at one point that wanted me to take every 7th week off from working out, his reason was the body gets accustomed to it and adjusts and adapts, that this break confused the body and allowed for better results. I didn't make it to 7 weeks with him due to other conflicts however the reason sounds good, he had…
  • Use a smaller plate, less room to pile it on. Drink while you eat, water is very filling. And pay attention to what you put on your plate in the first place, measure your portions. Have a meal where you let yourself cheat, not a day, but one meal a week so that you don't feel like you are being deprived of your favorite…
  • If you weigh yourself daily you have to remember your weight has natural fluctuations based on you. Water retention, stress, you name it. If you weigh yourself once a week you might feel anxious if you have an increase and wonder what went wrong. It is entirely personal preference. Myself, I weigh myself anytime I use my…