leahgoldgirl Member


  • My doctor, my older sister and my grandmother. I was never overweight, but growing up, I had always been fit and active. I was also late to mature. After high school, I went from 95 lbs, to 125 lbs by the time I was 21. Some of it was things like boobs, hips and a broadened frame, but much of it was fat. Combined with a…
  • Anyone who would make fun of a person trying to make a healthy lifestyle change obviously has issues. In general, I just don't like mean spirited behavior. It is one thing to suggest something nutritionally or workout routine wise, in a kind matter, if you are asked for suggestions, or to hold someone accountable if they…
  • I usually add berries or dried cherries, cinnamon and almonds, but there are also baked oatmeal cup recipes online that are pretty awesome.
  • I don't count any walk under 3 miles at a very brisk pace (13 minute miles or under). In my mind, walking isn't exercise, it's a necessary function of being human and needing to get from point a to point b.
  • All calories are NOT created equal. That said, they still are calories and they do count. While 500 calories of fruit is a whole heck of a lot better than 150 calories of Doritos, they do factor in and you do have to count those 500 calories, if you are trying to lose weight. The other thing to keep in mind about fruit, is…
  • First, you don't look obese in your photo, so some stats might help (are you actually overweight, or are you trying to lose to an unhealthy extent?). Second, if you are really overweight, have you had your thyroid levels checked? If you have and they are good and you are in fact obese and not one of these people who is at…
  • I like high cacao, low sugar, dark chocolate and hazelnuts/ hazelnut butter... I wasn't suggesting something that I don't like and "pretending it's a treat". I think most candy has WAY too much sugar and low quality fillers. It tastes like crap to me. Honestly, I'd be surprised if someone tried this and didn't like it as…
  • I am honestly astonished at how little our society knows about nutrition. We do not teach it in schools or study it on our own, regardless of easy to access, good information being everywhere. The items that companies manage to sell as healthy items, without society at large calling them on their BS, are astounding. One…
  • Yeah, I'm through a week and I'm pretty convinced that if the calorie recommendations + exercise/calorie burn calcs that MFP and my UP band provide were accurate, I would be significantly overweight already, as my normal diet goes over them regularly and my weight has held steady (= or - 3 to 4 lbs) for the last year. I…
  • Alright, I'll give this a shot....
  • I use organic virgin, cold pressed coconut oil as a face and body lotion, as well as an eye makeup remover. I love it. It's light, absorbs easily, is relatively cheap and has antiseptic qualities, which is great for anyone with mild acne. I have used coconut oil in cooking (stir-fries and thai dishes mostly) as well as in…
  • I'm a 32 D, which is not quite as large, but I LOVE the moving comfort bras. They are amazing. I don't bounce at all during cross training, running or football, the straps are adjustable and so is the back catch. They support, but do NOT smush. The bras are well worth the $50-$60.
  • I am terrified of running out of gas while driving and being in any car that sounds remotely like it needs to be serviced. I have no logical explanation for this. I have never been in a bad car accident and the only time I was in a car that ran out of gas, the gas station was a block away and my father just walked up the…
  • My heart breaks for this woman, especially as someone who, though I had great parents and a much easier upbringing, is all too familiar with being told exactly what she isn't and never will be. I'm very familiar with tip toeing around and apologizing for existing or needing anything. I think most women are familiar with…
  • If you are a smaller woman, a 600 calorie lunch is DEFINITELY an issue. MFP estimates that I should eat 1,210 net calories per day, in order to lose .5 lbs per week (I am a healthy weight and body comp, but want to get to my ideal). My UP band estimates my calorie burn for vigorous physical activity (typically cross…
  • I asked a similar question yesterday. It seems to be coming in low for me too, but also make sure that you are logging your workout, if you are using the MFP recommendation. MFP works on NET calories, so, if you workout and burn 300 calories working out (working out is considered anything past the lifestyle you put in),…
  • Most people underestimate their daily calories/portions by 20-30%. When I look at my daily calories, if I haven't been able to exactly measure portions on things, I up the calorie values on them by 20%. I would suggest that anyone who isn't measuring/weighing all their food do the same, if they are trying to lose weight.…
  • Some form of a crop top. I've always been insanely jealous of women who can pull them off.... I've been on the border a couple of times, but never in my life have I been in a spot where I could get away with walking around in a tummy baring shirt and not look ridiculous. Honestly, the fact that they are coming back into…
  • You read it wrong. I commented on bar tending and being saddened by parents that allowed their child to drink 5 sodas or shirley temple's in one meal. Above that I said that I was allowed a soda as a kid, when we went out, as a treat, and I can understand a parent allowing their child that type of indulgence. I also…
  • Again, not to argue, but I know plenty of kids who could drink soda all day, everyday growing up and not gain a single pound. Heck, had I been allowed to do so, I would have been one of those kids. The difference is, since I grew up with only the occasional soda and small treats during a day that was 90% healthy food, I am…
  • It's never okay, not even out to eat at a restaurant, as a treat, to allow a child to drink that many empty calories/ consume that much sugar. I'm not at all confident that a parent that allows that is very careful about what their kids eat the other 90% of the time, or has a thorough understanding of moderation,…
  • And yeah, I could have 1 soda or shirley temple if we went out to eat, but it was a treat, not the norm. It wasn't stocked at home. My parents taught me balance and I don't see many parents doing that anymore. I still bartend sometimes to help out a friend with a restaurant. It makes me so disgusted and sad when parents…
  • I am so grateful to my parents for never allowing me to eat the crap that some parents feel is appropriate to feed their kids on a regular basis. Sure, every once in awhile, we had a hot dog or pizza, and we always had a couple cookies in our lunches and a small dessert after dinner, but there were no high sugared cereals…
  • I am pretty much maintaining, but I've upped my strength training a lot in the last couple of months, because I got a new job, it's fun, but stressful, and there's a gym in the building that's as close to free as it gets, so I go there for 45 minutes everyday to decompress and relax a little so I don't start screaming…
  • That actually seems pretty spot on to me, for someone of your height and weight.
  • I also should mention, that unless I go out to eat, I know my (close to) exact calorie counts. Most people underestimate what they eat by 25%, so I'd be more interested to know how the accurate the recommendations have been for someone who is actually measuring/ weighing food. According to the MFP calculator, I exercise…
  • I am logging my exercise as cardio, so that it gives a calorie count and I stick with that and it does give me a "net calorie" reading. I suspect I burn more than it says I do, but at the same time, I have never worked out to burn calories, so I'm not sure. I work out to feel good.
  • I'm a true D. I don't lose or gain breast size when I lose or gain weight/body fat, because my breasts are entirely comprised of breast tissue. The only way I can see it really affecting that much from woman to woman, is if your breasts are the result of excess weight/fat and not a true size.