julial84 Member


  • Hi I just found out that I have PCOS...also looking for people who understand. I lead an active and healthy lifestyle and I can not lose weight...people are constantly giving me unwanted and unessisary advise about my weight (maybe you should do this or not eat that or blah blah blah....) I'm beyond frustrated and just…
  • Thanks guys...I havent checked my measurements since I started, but I am def toning I can see the difference and feel it - I havent noticed anything fitting much different though...I mean slightly but not alot - I'm going to keep it up for sure, I actually just finished my workout for the day :) and I know I shouldn't let…
  • So I ended up getting it...on week 3 - I JUST wrote a post about it because I'm frustrated that I havent lost any weight so far and I NEED some motivation badly :( how is everyone else whot started it doing? Julia
  • I also need to know I started my program today...if I find out I'll post the answer.
  • Me too - add me I totally need the push, plus I just ordered that Jillian Michaels 90 day thing and once it gets here I HAVE to do it everyday...
  • Thanks for the feedback - I'm going to prder it....I just hope I dont start slacking off with the daily workouts - maybe the amount I'm spending will keep me on track hahaha! :)
  • I think I'm going to order it, but the money is what's stopping me....what to do, what to do!!!!!!!! ANY advise from people who have gotten and used it - is it worth the cash? Help! thanks!!