

  • Breakfast juice carrot base - 5-6 carrots 2 golden apples 2 cups strawberries My 2 year old daughter LOVES this!! Lunch/dinner/green juice 2 cups spinach 5 carrots 1 green apple 1/2 cucumber
  • I did a 5 day fast and lost about 6 lbs. I felt AMAZING during the fast!! The first night I had a bad headache, but other than that I felt great. Slept great, had lots of natural energy, my skin cleared up - just GREAT! I transistioned back to solid foods for a few days and then went on Vacation. I am back now and starting…
  • Just got done watching the doc and I was truly motivated! I am not looking at this as a fast fix. But am excited to give it a shot to get me remotivated and in the right frame of mind regarding food. I plan to do a 5 day fast. Transistion day tomorrow, fast Tuesday - Saturday and transistion out Sunday. The following…
  • what about a pasta salad. using whole wheat noodles, lots of veggies (cherry tomatoes,peppers, cucumbers, carrot). Toss the cooked pasta, veggies, and a fat free salad dressing together. Either a low fat itallian or fat free caesar would be good :) p.s. Hi wifey!