Hey people! Started back up again yesterday, so I'm on my way! I'm 47, in Colorado, and ready for the weekend.
Hi, people! It's been a long time since I've been around, but it's time. After a sudden divorce last year, my weight see-sawed and it's time to take control again. I'm 45, and I am glad I wandered in!
I throw in a laughing cow cheese. Especially the chipotle flavored one.
Ok, that is an entirely different thing all together. Physical violence is a non-starter.
OMG, this is killing me, I really needed entertainment today. So awesome.
I weigh every day, as well, and keep track on a excel spreadsheet with a line graph, so I can analyze the changes over time. I also make notes about vacations (I don't track as close, and retain water when traveling) and that sort of thing. I also make notes if I change my tactics one way or another, so I can look back and…
I am a Kansas City Chiefs season ticket holder, but I live in Broncos country...
Evergreens. One of the football teams we used to play was the Hodags.
Pretty eyes and hot dress!
Grew up in Mukwonago and Wausau, went to College in Oshkosh, worked summers in the Dells! Now I'm relocated to CO.
Everyone looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing and for the motivation!
I would just wait for lunch. I have to do that, I can't taken them in the morning, no matter how much I eat.
That is FANTASTIC! Well done, You!
Hooray! That's so sweet and exciting, I am so happy it ended well! And is beginning well! :happy:
I can't wait to see, either! I'm waiting anxiously and sending good luck!
They're called "Bingo Wings" in my house, and they're a source of frustration here, too.
No advice, here, just sympathy. I'm so sorry. I suppose I have advice anyway, don't be afraid to grieve, it is a loss, and don't let anyone minimize that. Trust your decision, you did what you felt was right, and there is no way you would have come to that decision lightly. Do something to memorialize him, that might help.
Ariel Tweto! She is so cute!
Whoops, bad quote, nothing to see here, folks.
Depending on my hair color, I get Lauren Graham or Diane Lane.
Going to the Dominican Republic in May for my 20th anniversary! I'm hoping to reach (and maybe slightly surpass) my goal before then, slow and steady!
My family loves this recipe for Pork Vindaloo: A note: as it reads, it's not very spicy like you might expect a vindaloo to be, so I punch it up by adding more of the red pepper, and even hitting it with a little hot sauce while it simmers.
I'm in Colorado, so my favorite skiing places are here, but I'd like to branch out a bit.
Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference? I weigh myself every day, like lots of others have said, just to keep my "mind in the game" and my goals in front of me. If I don't, it's too…
WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively? This is a huge hot button for me, to the point…
Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!) I haven't, but I should!
i What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau? Nothing this time, but when I was going about weight loss in unhealthy ways, I would fast, do a cleanse, all kinds of weirdo things, like eating only one food, etc.
i FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement. What types of self improvement things do you do or would like to do that are completely unrelated to diet/health? This can be career related, fun related...whatever you do to learn something new that…
Anything with vampires or zombies. And werewolves, for that matter. Also hated Avatar.
Okay, QOTD Thursday: Do you think stress makes it easier or harder to stick to your goals, and how do you cope with stress? For me, it's much harder. Stress makes me crave sugar, so I've had to substitute things that aren't things like Reese's Peanut butter cups. To manage the stress, I repeat my mantra: "Keep your head up…