

  • I have four ferrets. If you you have an questions, just message me! Oh, to check the sex, just watch it when it pees. If it pees from the middle of it's belly, it's a male. If it pees from the back, it's a female. You can also usually tell just by flipping them over. If it looks like he has a belly button, most likely a…
  • There are a lot of people on here doing it, you should search through the threads and look around. I love it. I am on week 5, just finished day 1 last night. It's a great way to start slow and not even realize you're running!
  • I just finished Week 5 Day 1 and have to say, the rest of the week is scaring me! The 20 minute run is not making my knees happy about the future...
  • Had them and love them! I eat them with a little butter and just a little real maple syrup. Just a little of the good stuff is so much better than a bunch of the other. My favorite is the 7grain waffles with some of my own strawberry syrup!
  • I just finished week four. I love the program (though last night at the end, I may have been cursing it!) I run outside because it hurts less and keeps me from getting bored. I started to run last summer and could never get much past two miles. Hoping this program is going to get me over that hill. Good luck!
  • I'm going to try them again this next week. They are on my grocery list. I know my Hubby won't, but I will. It's either that or switch to omlettes for breakfast. Kashi is just too expensive!
  • No, I believe it is! Just disagreeing that everyone loves it. I wish I did because it is so good for you.
  • I have to disagree with your post. I do not like oatmeal, and neither does my husband. I sooo wish I did because it is so good for you (as well as inexpensive). I've tried and tried and the only way I can eat it is baked in a cookie :(
  • Low sodium broth can still have quite a bit of sodium, read the labels. I make my own chicken broth, that way I can control the sodium content, and I can get all of the goodness of the marrow of the bones that you don't get with store bought stuff. And, I would say quinoa was even tastier than couscous. I have found both…
  • I once ruined spaghetti night (according to my hubby) by using ground turkey and wheat noodles. I have learned to mix it with beef for him OR use it in dishes with a lot of flavor. I mixed it with a few spices and used it as turkey sausage with lasagna and he loved it. I thought the spaghetti was good myself, but some…
  • If you build muscle easily, spinning will most likely bulk up your legs. You really work those muscles. But, one class a week probably won't do enough to bulk you up too much, especially if you're doing something else, like running, which will work the muscles in different ways. (Running is actually a cardio that helps to…
  • Your story sounds just like mine, only you've got three inches on me! I successfully lost almost 20 lbs last summer. (Unfortunately, I gained it all back over the winter. I'm pretty sure it is related to my new birth control though). This site really does help. You just have to be diligent and track everything. Sometimes…
  • Used to belong to the YMCA, but after we moved to a small town, it wasn't worth the drive. When we moved, we check out a couple of options and chose to go with our own home. We bought an awesome weight bench and elliptical machine for what a year's membership would have cost us at the local gym. I also subscribe to VERIA…
  • I added it to mine. Best thing to do is wear an HRM and enter the calories. Or use an estimate from another site.
  • Another workout option that puts very little stress on the feet is a rowing machine. My sister starting using one when she got a bad cut on her foot and loves it. She's a swimmer, so the workout really helps with areas she needs it and it's a great aerobic workout that's a little different. maybe switch between that and…
  • My favorite is Kashi Cinnamon Harvest. I also like Kashi Vive and Special K with bananas or strawberries. I LOVE so add a little dark chocolate syrup to a bowl of cheerios. Just enough to turn the milk a little brown. It's soooo good. And you can't just use chocolate milk. When you put it on top of the Cheerios, it soaks…
  • head to a grocery and get a rotisserie chicken and some frozen veggies to nuke (If you have access to a microwave). Then you can take the chicken leftovers home!
  • I just officially weighed in again...I gained three pounds.
  • thanks. Seems as though some people have no problems at all and others have some similar to mine.
  • I subscribe to a yoga podcast that I really love. He goes the the moves slowly, explains everything and it's not the same exact thing every time I do it. It's called YOGAmazing.
  • Congrats on the run, that's awesome! I'm working my way up to a 5K, and man is it slow. I've found that most of the races occur at the same time. We had a bunch about a month ago and then a bunch in the fall coming up. Not many in between though. Good luck finding one. There are a lot of websites you can go to find them,…
  • drinking a bunch of water will lessen the headaches a bit, and if you're going to medicate, excedrin will work better because it has caffeine in it as one of the main ingredients. I have tried and tried to quit, I'm down to one or two cans of diet pop a day. I've gone through the headache process more than a few times, but…
  • My mom's been on low-carb for a while due to health reasons and one of her favorite snacks for a sweet craving is to mix cream cheese and/our whipping cream mixed with splenda and a little mace (it's a spice). She says it tastes just like cheesecake. She also mixes cocoa, whipping cream and splenda or just whipping cream…
  • try starting with the couch to 5k program at It starts off with mostly walking and by the end of the 9 weeks you can run a 5k. This to make sure of if you think you're too heavy: good, supportive shoes and sports bras, listen to your body. If you can progress as fast as the program goes, that's okay. But…
  • I don't know what the thread was either, but the biggest thing I know of is meal planning. Look at sale flyers and what you have on hand and plan out a week or two worth of meals ahead of time. That way you'll use what you have up and only buy what you need. It also makes it a lot easier to have something good on hand when…
  • I crave chocolate constantly! I think my addiction to diet dr. pepper may have something to do with it, but I have always been a chocolate lover. I like to keep york peppermint patty mini candies around for when I can't take it anymore. Small pieces of dark chocolate are also good. Darker chocolate has more of a chocolate…
  • I like to make a big crockpot full of chili and then freeze it in 2 person portions. Using a higher bean to meat ratio makes it a little more healthy, so does using leaner cuts of meat. I usually use about 1/2 ground beef and 1/2 lean beef cut into tiny cubes. Also, if you use dried beans and soak them overnight before…
  • Diet soda actually makes you crave sweets and can make you process sugars differently, usually leading to weight gain. That my said, I'm addicted to Diet Dr Pepper and usually have about 2 cans a day. I'm trying very hard to stop, but I know it's true. I crave sweets and chocolate constantly.
  • I prefer my apples in one piece. However, I do like to make a fruit salad using apples and bananas. I've learned that tossing them with a little Splenda keeps them from turning brown, even two days later!
  • I'm better at motivating others than myself sometimes :) And I've been so freaking busy at work I don't have a lot of time to actually type anything! I'm trying to be better, I promise :) I've also been fighting the urge to eat everything in sight, and feel guilty about it, which makes me avoid this place. Seriously, if…