I like to grill them with just a little sea salt and pepper with a side salad and maybe a baked potato
The best measurement is how do you feel and look. Clothes fitting better and hopefully soon too big. Are your muscles toning? Are you able to go further and longer now. These are measurements better then the scale. Good Luck
Toni, I have had the same problem. Not sure what the cause but I at times have no more confidence in my balance and judgement on how close I am to rails and walls when I have to go through tunnel on one ride. I just had to ride more often to get use to it. i also modified my bike to get a little wider wheels so i had…
Have you tried something like a small fanny pack? I know they have some that curve more to your hip. May be able to adjust to be able to remove as quickly as a holster. Secret Service has zipp bags sure a gun store or NRA web site might have a similar type item
Yes when hold near chest it will show the time. If this is not the case my try to make sure not too close to someone else with a device this effects it sometimes. You may notice sometime if working on a Life Fitness machine your readings will show on the both machines.
I will give it a try SW 273 CW 273 GW 250 UGW 200
Log in the drinks as every one says. Grain alcohol lower calorie then beer. Wine is lower too. 1 thing to remember as you lose weight and fat alcohol will have "quicker" effect on you. Won't be able to drink like you use too. This is a good thing
Spinning classes are good. May want to check if you have lower back problems have the instructor adjust your seat and handle bars accordingly. Go at your pace. Watch some of the instructors they don't really make adjustments on tension so they seem to be flying...Also if you are an outdoor rider do movements similar to…
I have had similar problems. Was keeping below calorie count and exercising. Found watching salt intake and carbs was able to break those plateaus
What are you looking for the HRM to do? If you want to just keep heart rate a basic calorie count there are the base line Polar monitors. Also some by Timex and others. I started with the Polar just because compatible with most machines. you should be able to get like an F1 for $80 or less.
It depends on the intensity you do for the classes. When I did the body pump with my heart rate monitor I was around 300 but I was maxing out on the weight for me that by the last sets I was feeling it. Someone can do lower weights that really are not pushing you and you would get a lower result. Best thing to do is wear a…
It would depend are you in the front of the class when you put on the ipod or towards the back so the whole class does not see you go on your own? Granted you are following the instructor but are you doing the same tempo and cadence the teacher is trying to match? I know I get distracted at times when I see someone in…
I picked one up at the super market. It is amazing some of the stuff they sell in the household aisle. Also have seen them in Wal-Mart and Target
using water is fine the cream is to make sure contact it needs moist skin. I some times just lick the electrodoes. Important to dry it after work out as well
Taking a percentage of the one arm is a good way to start but I have found wearing a heart rate monitor helps to get a truer number since you may have done cardio before that would effect the results.
I have had 3 Polar HRM. Started with the basic and worked my way up to the current one F7. It is great gives a more accurate calorie burned count then what most Cardio Machines since you can adjust to your stats. I bought my first at REI then went through E-bay and got for about $40 less then I saw in REI when I went for…
I have always liked my Polar Monitors. I moved from the basic ones to the more advanced F55 which I now use that has the calorie counts and sample work outs on it as well as tracking to down load to my computer. the only thing to watch for is that when the battery needs to be changed send it back to Polar to change.…
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. The evolution of probablity and risk assesment.
I know with my HRM Polar F7 that it is usually about 20 to 30% less then the Ellipitical depending on the program I run on the elliptical. However, my HRM does ask sex and weight and has me take a base heart rate every two weeks or so it will know how uch I am execrting. It is not so much time as it is how hard you work…
It is better to get a HRM that also can do the calories burned. The basic way most of them calculate is by having periodically take aa resting heart rate so it will have a base line. You then also put in age height and weight so to take in all the information. It iwll then calculate calories burned from this. It iwll show…
With most Polar products if you hold the wrist unit up close to your heart it will switch to tell time while continuing to monitor your progress. Just bring watch near the transmitter