

  • Wow Thanks everyone for the hellos I added the three that sent me a friend request to my friends. For me surgery is the option because Ive dieted so many times. My most successful diet I lost over 100lbs and it was really just eating appropriately and exercising. Then I got pregnant with my last child and just gained it…
  • I have a funny moment at the gym. My ex husband and I well we don't always see eye to eye, hence the ex part lol. Well I have his ring tone set to Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love if you have ever heard it its kinda mean and naughty lol. if not youtube it lol. Well I had my ipod in my ears and I was going to…
  • my first bump lol. I am going to try these thank you! My 12 year old is under weight I bet i could get him to eat these and he would never know hes getting all that protein lol!!