Hi Sam, First, congrats on your first year of teaching! My first two years of teaching, I would alternate between making my lunch at home (hotlunch) and paying for the (WORTH IT) salad bar and opt for tuna salad on top of mixed salad and fruit, cottage cheese combos. Depending on the school lunch quality, you could…
I absolutely feel this way, too! I've always been the over-achiever and so I push myself so hard and end up getting discouraged. Life is better when it's light and positive.
Hi Kathi, I started cooking when I was in graduate school and it carried over into my first two years of work. I mostly cooked at home because I was too poor to eat on the go and I had the time. I was also being good to myself and walking/interval training 3-4 times a week for 30 minute stretches. This was back when I had…