

  • I do eat good healthy food it just seemed that the calorie intake was high, but i realise now its to suit my weight.. for someone who hasnt bothered about doing anything about my weight before its a huge change in lifestyle for me! And I do exercise.. I was looking for honest advice but gee wizz, any need to be so harsh? I…
  • Wow 131lbs lost! Thats incredible, sorry completly irrelevent to your post but thats amazing! Inspiration to us all!! :)
  • It was the same for me too when i got on the scales yesterday! I have read somewhere that its something to do with water retention, dont know much about it though so cant really comment, onwards and upwards though!!!! :) x
  • Hi there, i'm in a simular situation myself. I'm here if you need any support, on here daily. Add me if you like! x Sarah
  • Feel free to add me too, certainly need the encouragment!! :) x
  • Looking for encouragment too, just joined here yesterday! Would love to share fitness ideas and nice recipies if anyone has any? :)