

  • Doh, you're all right. Come to think of it--I did see it flash the word "low" and thought, "Hmm, wonder if this is gonna need a new battery soon." Well, that's that! Any suggestions for good ones? Mine is missing a strap and worn as a necklace, so I might as well upgrade!
  • One last thing-- don't ignore a book because it follows a diet you're not interested in. There is still a lot to learn in every book.
  • Losing! I can't believe noone has responded yet. The first time around, I kept a log of every book I read. I used reading about fitness to keep my mind off of craving. In my log, I kept a little list of important things I read in each one. I could meander up to my attic and list all of the books for you, but I have a…
  • The first time I lost weight, I had the same problem. I have BDD, so I could only tell results using the scale. This time around, I've been taking monthly photos.