

  • i'm having trouble uploading my pics... so here's a link to my results video on youtube... keep in mind that these are just my results from 63 days of Insanity and a not so great diet lol
  • I finished Asylum May 18th... i had the same exact thought about it being easier than Insanity... but for some reason, it just got harder and harder as the days went on... i guess that's b/c my form got more focused and my intensity level increased... in other words, mentally it seemed easier, but it definitely got…
  • I started Insanity on Jan 6, 2011 and finished around March 16th... In total i lost 26lbs and i gained a tremendous amount of cardio... i improved nearly 250% on my Fit Test results in just the 63 days of the program... i highly recommend it to anyone... i have since followed it up with Insanity: The Asylum and now i'm…