

  • I totally agree!!! You have to go through a Dr. or at least a reliable natural health care establishment! Hadn't heard that about the skin, thanks for sharing that bit!
  • oh and yes usually 500 calories is way too low!!! That is the whole purpose of the HCG Drops, to allow you to be at such a low level without the headaches or starving feeling, etc.... I'm too chicken to try it, but I think it CAN be a good thing if you understand that its like a boost, not a lifelong thing...the lifelong…
  • My mom is 52 years old and has her thyroid removed, has to take medicine to sort of act as her thyroid... So she has had trouble losing weight no matter how great she does with healthy eating and exercising. She decided to try the HCG drops and so far in 9 days, she has lost 7 lbs...which is amazing! Because with the diet…