Rasheeda118 Member


  • Hey Melissa, Great job on your weight loss and your goals!! Definitely understand the motivation portion, that's the hardest part for me at times, sticking with it. I'm going to send you a request because youre motivated and that will help my motivation as well as me helping to motivate others!!!! Each one teach one!!!!
  • I still do, I am working on stopping this cause I really dont care about the number. I need the inches. I like my curves I just want them to be a little tighter for curves LOL.
  • I dont eat back all my calories because I found that some of the calorie counts are off as well as the exercise calories are burned. So I aim for 25% or 50% depending on the exercicse or if I know for sure like with a machine and my food caloric count is exact. I say do what works for you!!! good luck on your progress and…