AmandaP23 Member


  • Hi! I'm Amanda. I have had problems like this for a while now. I found that the more carbs I eat especially at night the more often I crash. I don't have a diagnosis of hypoglycemia but I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and have had the same problem for a while now with my sugar dropping. I know it started when I…
  • I have over 100 pounds to lose. I haven't been on this site in awhile. I had lost a lot of weight but gained it all back and now I'm here to work on losing it again. :-) Feel free to add me.
  • Welcome and Good Luck!! You can do it!! :smile:
    in Hi All Comment by AmandaP23 June 2011
  • Thanks guys!!! Good Luck to all of you as well!! It feels really good knowing there's a community out there that is supportive. :smile: