Started 2 weeks ago @287lbs and have A LOT to lose, 100+. Looking for friends who are in a similar situation and can help keep each other motivated! We can do this! Add me: tempestgirl (:
Started 2 weeks ago @ 287lbs and have A LOT to lose. I'm also looking for people similar to me that are serious about losing weight and can help keep eachother on track and motivated! We can do this! (:
I have 80% stopped drinkign soda over a year ago. I absolutely LOVE drinking water, so it's not that hard for me. But every once in a while, I'll get a really bad craving to drink something carbonated, so when that happens i'll drink a DIET soda. Just recently tho, i had tried the water enhancer called "Mio", and that…
I was able to lose 17 lbs in a month just recently, so i see another 10 lbs very do-able =P IM DOWN! (:
20 y/o here, add me everyone! (:
ANYWAYSSSS...... Add me people! (: Need Some more friends!
Heyy, add me! 20 and need some buddies on here! (: