jengratto Member


  • I weigh myself every morning to see where I am, but the only one I log is Saturday morning's weight.
  • See if either of these are what you're looking for. If I could just make a meal out of condiments....
  • Once you get to your hotels, if you have Internet access, you can use this site- -to enter the city's zip code and map out a route for a run should there be no gym available. I also do yoga on my off-days, but it's no replacement for a run. Safe travels!
  • Thanks to all for your suggestions and encouragement. Especially love the 'Bridge to 10K' site, great idea for an app. Happy running!
  • Your daily calorie goal is set based on your current weight, level of activity, and weight loss goal. When you log in the food you eat, the program will calculate how many calories that is, and let you know how many calories you have left for the day. As Aribear3 mentioned, exercising 'buys' you additional calories since…