pgsongbird Member


  • Oh--and--I re-adjusted the settings in MFP to my carb limit of 40 carbs/day and 1500 calories. Been eating this way for years now--feel great and controlling blood sugar.
  • I follow a low carb diet and also limit my calories to 1500/day. Doing well--feeling great! MFP has been a big help to me to keep track! I'm Diabetic Type 2--so I use blood testing meter and strips to know which carbs send my blood sugar up. All grains do. Most starchy veggies and fruits do. So I limit myself to lots of…
  • Try "low carb nibbling" ---eat anything except the "white" foods. No bread, no potatoes!
  • Hi, Mursey! I'm a low carber for controlling Diabetes Type 2. I stay around 40 carbs per day if I want to lose and at about 60 carbs if I want to maintain. My goal is to control blood sugar without medication--for as long as possible. I read Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's book The Diabetes Solution about 3 years ago--and it…