asherje Member


  • Baby #3 here, 7mo Postpartum on the 11th. With each I never was able to lose any weight while nursing, but Im really hopping to lose weight before his first birthday in December. Well with #2 I was still nursing when I got pregnant with #3 so never did lose any of that weight LOL ugh.
  • have 3month old (and 2yr old, just turned 2 saturday) lots of baby weight to lose! Just signed up for online beachbody so I can try their postnatal workouts
  • I started seeing a nutritionist end of last year. She has me on phentrimen 37.5g & I get a b12 shot when I go in, I havent been going consistently do to finances & havent been able to work out as often as they'd like but I've managed to lose 25lbs