cathyl3 Member


  • 179.0 today. Out of the 180s (again!). Yeah!
  • I feel your pain! :smile: Maybe this can be a great week for both of us!
  • 180.2 today. Man, I hope to get back to where I started this week. I took a detour the wrong way! :embarassed:
  • Oops I missed the cutoff this week! 180.2 for me. Have a good week everyone!
  • I almost dropped out of the challenge because, as you can see, I'm gaining instead of losing and feel very ashamed and disappointed in myself! I start the week great, but then seem to eat like there's no tomorrow. Also, I haven't been able to work out for 3 weeks due to an injury so that makes me frustrated, and I eat…
  • Had a super bad two weeks. Been totally off the plan and stress eating. Our house had a flood with a broken pipe under tile and it caused a huge mess!!!! I hope to do better this week. Current Weight: 179.0 Challenge Goal Weight: 162.0 01/02: 177.0 01/09: 178.1 01/16: 177.5 01/23: --- 01/30: 179.0 02/06: 02/13: 02/20:…
  • Better kick it into gear to make my mini goal. Anyone have a good vegetable soup recipe? Current Weight: 177.5 Challenge Goal Weight: 162.0 01/02: 177.0 01/09: 178.1 01/16: 177.5 01/23: 01/30: 172.0 02/06: 02/13: 02/20: 02/27: 168.0 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:162.0
  • Ahhh...well, this is what happens when I sit on my behind on vacation eating cookies. Guess it could have been worse. Name/ real name: Cathy Current Weight: 178.1 Challenge Goal Weight: 162.0 01/02: 177.0 01/09: 178.1 01/16: 01/23: 01/30: 172.0 02/06: 02/13: 02/20: 02/27: 168.0 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:162.0
  • Name/ real name: Cathy Current Weight: 177.0 Challenge Goal Weight: 162.0 01/02: 177.0 01/09: 01/16: 01/23: 01/30: 172.0 02/06: 02/13: 02/20: 02/27: 168.0 03/05: 03/12: 03/19: 03/26: 04/02: 04/07:162.0 Off on vacation this week, but I will try and keep it under control as best I can! Have a great week, everyone!
  • Yeah ! So excited to refocus. Thanks Kristen and I hope you have a Happy New Year's! :happy:
  • Oops, I spaced out with my final weight. It was 175.5. Down 3 pounds, nowhere near my goal, but it's something! :-)
  • Hi everyone, I am 176.6 today. Pretty good considering I've had an awful week. Our little dog got attacked by 2 coyotes about a week ago. She is still alive, but I have been like a nurse all week. Lots of stress eating and no workouts for me. The doctors all say it is amazing she survived -- she's only 8 pounds! I really…
  • 165.5 today. thanks Kristen for all the hard work you've done on this challenge! I know my weight hasn't moved nearly as much as I wanted, but I am happy that I have been able to maintain for so long without gaining back everything I had lost previous to this challenge! And, I'm down 2 whopping pounds - haha! :-)
  • Hi Kristin (and everyone!), Well, I did post two times yesterday, just must have done it in the wrong place. I was 177.8. I had a big wake up call this weekend -- got some family pics taken and I didn't really realize how I looked. I have lost 25 pounds, so I was feeling pretty good about myself and thought that my pics…
  • Hi everyone, 177.3 for me today. Up .3. But...I think I did great considering the company I had and the many restaurants I visited. with them! I kept up with my Zumba classes and even did a 2 hour one on Thanksgiving morning!!! 1250 calories , by the way! So, I will take the little gain with pride. :-)
  • Hi everyone, 177.0 for me. Hopefully just the popcorn I ate at the movies yesterday made me gain some water weight! I'm worried about Thanksgiving and the company I am having for 5 days. They like to go out to eat a lot!
  • Current Weight: 175.7 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7 09/19: 178.5 09/26: 178.7 10/03: 177.8 10/10: 177.5 10/17: 177.2 10/24: 180 10/31: 180.5 11/07: 177.0 11/14: 175.7 I like this direction better! 11/21: 11/28: <<174.>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<170>>> Have a great week everyone!
  • Current Weight: 177.0 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7 09/19: 178.5 09/26: 178.7 10/03: 177.8 10/10: 177.5 10/17: 177.2 10/24: 180 10/31: 180.5 11/07: 177.0 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<174.>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<170>>> Well, I was off track for a few weeks and it really caught up with me. Back on…
  • Current Weight: 177.2 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7 09/19: 178.5 09/26: 178.7 10/03: 177.8 10/10: 177.5 10/17: 177.2 10/24: 10/31: <<<170>>> 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<<165>>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<160>>>
  • Still hanging on! haha I'm moving at a snail's pace. I could use the excuse of my husband's birthday last night, right? Steak, twice baked potatoes, cake, etc. Although I did only have a little bit and lots of salad! Have a great week everyone! Current Weight: 177.5 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7…
  • Current Weight: 177.8 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7 09/19: 178.5 09/26: 178.7 10/03: 177.8 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31: <<<170>>> 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<<165>>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<160>>>
  • Feeling so down. I have been starting the day great, but by mid-afternoon, it's like I lose all self control. I haven't been able to exercise the past two weeks due to a hurt neck, but it's feeling better and I'm going to refocus now. It's hard to pull out of a slump! Any advice out there? ;-) Current Weight: 178.5…
  • Ok, I'm glad it wasn't just me having a bad week. I didn't log everything,and ate everything not tied down! :-) Plus I was at my son's school carnival and Disneyland this week, and we all know how healthy it is to eat there. I'm back on track this week. Just feeling tired of messing around with it, so I want to be serious…
  • Current Weight: 178.5 Challenge Goal Weight: 160 09/05: 178.5 09/12: 176.7 09/19: 09/26: 10/03: <<<171.5>>> 10/10: 10/17: 10/24: 10/31: <<<167.5>>> 11/07: 11/14: 11/21: 11/28: <<<163.5>>> 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/24: <<<160>>> 1.8 pounds down for me! I'm happy! I am starting to move back down again after getting off track.…
  • Oh my gosh, Julie. I 'm so sorry about your husband and your mom. That is too much to bear at one time. So good that you are here to take care of yourself! <Hugs>
  • Thanks! And congrats on 30 lbs. lost. That's amazing!!!
  • Hi everyone! Can I please join, too? I've been doing a challenge for the last twelve weeks, and lost about 23 pounds. Within a week of ending the challenge, I've gained 3 pounds! I so don't want to go back the OTHER way (pounds going up!) and I'm looking for something to keep me on track. Current Weight: 178.5 Challenge…
  • Please, please, at the very least, call your doctor and tell him/her that you are having these symptoms. You don't want to mess around with your heart. I lost my brother when he was 39, and he had symptoms like this after exercising. Not to scare you, it probably is something simple, but you want to be sure you are ok for…
  • Haven't tried it, but it sounds good! From Ingredients (yield 8 servings, about 1 cup each) 4 cups small broccoli florets (about 1 1/2 pounds) 1 1/2 cups seedless green grapes, halved 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup raisins 1/4 cup salted sunflower seed kernels 1/3 cup light mayonnaise 1/4 cup plain fat-free…
  • I can really see a difference! You are looking good, girly! Keep up the great work-- Can't wait to see the next pictures!