very well said. you're absolutely right, we're supposed to help each other. at one point or another we were all either upset with ourselves or just not happy with something about us and decided to make a change. whether you made that change a long time ago, a week ago, or today it doesnt matter. all that matters is that…
well i suddenly have the urge to go drink lots of water :D thank youu
id be up for that :] it helps me if i feel like im in a competition.
great job!! :D you look great! i cant wait till i can post pics like that. i had started trying to lose weight in January and in may i was told i could finaly have a complete abdominal plasty because i had lost enough weight. soo now im in recovery. my bf says i look like "an autopsy girl" due to my big incision scar.…
:D yayy
so needed that, thank you :]