cspotts Member


  • I'm 5'10" I got up to 203 when I was pregnant with my second child. Then the weight settled down around 165. I started working out and eating better again and am between 145-150 now. I'd like to be really toned which I haven't been since before having kids. Even at 145 I have a really squishy belly. I'd like to get down to…
  • The first time I did the 30 day shred I made a blog to keep myself accountable. I only had 1 pound weights when I did this. I did it every day even if I was sick and one day ti was my birthday too. Here is a link to my results post. http://fitfulmommy.blogspot.com/2009/08/30-day-shred-results.html I should also mention…
  • Oh ya.. I'm logging my progress on the same blog I used when I did the shred the first time. http://fitfulmommy.blogspot.com/
  • Oh and for those with Comcast on demand the first 2 levels are free through exercise tv. I watched it that way tonight bc I didn't feel like digging the DVD out.
  • I did this 2 years ago after having my first daughter. I just started it again after having my second daughter. It kicked my butt, but I know it's worth it.