Rosered3333 Member


  • I don't remember honestly but I do remember having some cramping within the next weeks; but that's not unusual for me. I was really surprised that I was pregnant because I had all my usuall PMS symptoms, but milder than usual. The only difference was that my lower back really hurt and I was having crazy vivid dreams. Then…
  • I'm almost 15 weeks now and I'm feeling like myself again. I start feeling better around 11 weeks and I've done a lot of walking this week and I even went to kickboxing yesterday! I was amazed at how tired I was; I thought I was going to be able to push through and keep my regular workout routine, but that didn't happen.…
  • Its probably a bit early for pregnancy brain for me, but I spent 15 minutes this morning looking for my belly band because I can't button my pants. I also spent most of yesterday evening cooking up chicken stew and I was going to bring it for lunch and then I forgot that today too. Oh and twice last night I tried to put…
  • You could also list it as circuit training maybe.
  • I am 12 weeks along, have gained 2-3 lbs (depends on the day), and haven't been as active as I was before. The fatigue has hit me hard. I've been walking a lot but my exercise routine has definitely diminished a lot since I got pregnant. I have been eating healthy, lots of fruits and veggies and a lot of lean protein.…
  • If you think you're still contagious (fatigue, lethargy, sneezing all over the place), I would stay home, but if it's the tail end of a cold, I would work out. That usually makes me feel better too! Get some rest too!
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Take the time to mourn your loss and maybe try with some exercise first. That might be easier than restricting your foods to start with. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • Congrats! Welcome!!
  • I'm 10 1/2 weeks along and I didn't have an appetite for a few weeks. What I felt helped was to just have the decision on what to eat taken out of my hands. So maybe have your significant other decide what you're going to eat and eat that. Not having to pick what to eat helped me.
  • This is my first baby too! Feel free to add me and we can enjoy the journey together!
  • Hi ladies! I was hoping to get some advice: I was lifting about 2x/week before I got pregnant and I'm about 9 weeks pregnant now. I've been exhausted and busy and just haven't had the energy to lift for a little while. Any suggestions on how to get back to weight lifting? I was thinking of going back to my Body Pump class…
  • Congratulations! I would do unlimited wine and beer and cash bar for other liquors. That will also help keep most people in line and out of the liquor. Depending on the rules of your venue, you could talk with a liquor distributor and return any unused liquor after the reception. Also, as a note, the website…
  • Blink 1021 - what a terrible situation! I feel like that can't be legal. Do you have an HR department you can consult with? Or a lawyer friend? Good luck with that! As far as work goes for me, I've been doing okay. I saved up some paid time off for the pregnancy so I've been using that. I'm 8 weeks and my pants are already…
  • Yeah, no one told me that my stomach would feel like a science experiment and that I would be able to out-fart my husband AND his brother.
  • I have discovered that the exercising has cut back on the gassiness and bloating, so that's what my motivation is. The nausea hit today though, so I will see how I feel later and I will workout if I can.
  • Thank you everyone for your help! I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything and this wait to go to the doctor seems like it will take forever! I've NEVER been so eager to go to any doctor. Thank you again! This has definitely helped.
  • Hi all! I'm about 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and, according the the internet, I should be due around March 10th. I have my first OB appointment on Jul 31st when I will 8 weeks along. At that point we're supposed to be able to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and everything. My question is, is there supposed an…
  • Feel free to add me! I did find out that I was pregnant so no weight loss for me at the moment, but I need someone to laugh with me when I say things like, "this morning sickness is like a hangover that won't go away! Am I right? Anybody?.... anybody..." Anyway, I'm in if you will have me!
  • Like everyone else is saying, I can't sleep if I work out too late. In fact, I used to work out if I had to pull an all-nighter back in college; it always worked better than coffee for me. I personally like working out at night though so if you have flexible hours in the morning, then go for it. It's tough having to choose…
  • I had cramping about 5-6 days after ovulation, and I had extremely vivid dreams almost right from when I got pregnant. Other than that, I had just the usual PMS symptoms. Good luck with you two week wait! It can be killer!
  • I am definitely making a note of this for future reference! So far so good for me, but I'm sure it's in my future.
  • Name:Alex Hubby/Partner: Will How many kids do you have: First time around for a human child, but have two cats, Beatrix and Nermil. Due Date: March 11, 2013 (this is from a website; haven't even been to the doctor yet) Do you know the gender: I want to know, he doesn't. Have you picked out the baby's name: We have some to…
  • First of all, thank you for asking for our help. That is a HUGE step and is very difficult. It sounds like you have a lot going on and that weight loss is just one of many concerns. Eating healthy can be expensive. I'm always amazed at how much I spend on fish and vegetables. Everyone seems to have great suggestions on how…
  • The first 10 days will suck. You need to replace the alcohol with something else, tea is a good idea, because drinking wine might be your bedtime routine. Once you get through the first 10 days, you'll probably find that you sleep better without alcohol than you ever did before.
  • You have inspired me to go to gym tonight. Congratulations! (On your weight loss and accomplishments, not on inspiring me to go the gym).
  • I'm very short waisted, only about two inches between the top of my hips and my bottom rib. My waist is 31". At my healthiest, it was 28". I'm working on getting my way back there!
  • Nice work! That's quite an accomplishment!
  • First off, good for you for donating. As everyone has been saying just make sure that you let the technician know that you passed out last time; they'll appreciate you making them aware. And make sure you eat a lot before you go so you're blood sugar is stable. And I would drink lots of juice: it's one of the only times…
  • That happened to me a couple of years ago: I went in and I had lost weight and had started lifting weights and I felt fantastic and fit. I told her that I was having trouble sleeping and that I was having some problems of a feminine nature, and then she told me that I need to lose weight, stop drinking so much, and then…