sassynurse19 Member


  • Thanks everyone, i will increase my setting. I was just looking online and I think the setting is for "added sugars" like the ones you get from processed sugars, but unfortunately it calculates all sugars the same. On one site it said that women should not have more than 6 teaspoons of "added" sugar in one day which is…
  • Hey, So i'm also allergic to tree nuts and soy but on top of those i'm also allergic to apples. I find the soy allergy the worst to deal with as it is in everything. I find that I am cooking more from scratch now than ever before which is a good thing but when you really don't feel like cooking and just want something fast…
  • Hey Roni, I love the app for my phone! Haven't needed it lately though because I broke my ankle so i'm home for a while! I think you'll really like this's kind of addictive :o)
  • Wow! thanks everyone :o) I just changed my settings so we'll see how it works out. I've thought of doing exercises for upper body too, but haven't done any yet :o( Maybe I'll google it or go on youtube and see what they've got "Janevmeer" - I can't go in the water yet, I still have a cast on my leg! Hopefully soon though.