

  • Did you know that you can add sodium into your my fitness pal. Go to the settings bar and then the first heading nutrients tacked and you can add in sodium, MFP will tell you how much you are allowed which is all dependent on your weight loss goals etc. Good luck... I know that I am allowed 2500mg of sodium a day which…
  • Hey There The slower you lose weight the longer it will stay off. If you have a lot of weight to lose then 2pounds per week is fine but if you only have a couple of kilograms to lose then it will be a big ask. Have you just started MFP or have you been losing weight for a long time? I LOVE soda too, but sadly the salt or…
  • Hi Deborah The great thing about my fitness pal is you can still eat the things you love. Everything should be enjoyed in moderation. However, moderation is the word that a lot of people struggle with! The thing that I find best is to give yourself a reward day, that is one day a week where you can have a treat. Out of…
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