

  • Hello All! I am new to MFP online- I have been tracking for a few months on my phone and thought it would be good to meet some people and get some motivation to get fit and look great!
  • Love that it gives women empowerment but I think that those women are beautiful. Not everyone would want the 2 body types but the grass is always greener on the other side. Just be happy with you who you are (or try) :)
  • I can completely understand this. I have been working out and eating right since Jan 2nd. I did have 2 days of not so amazing calorie intake and I have been weighing in and have NOT LOST A POUND! I am pretty discouraged but trying to stay upbeat, once you get discouraged most people quit and I do NOT want to quit. (It is…
  • I want to go on vacation and my friend and I have a deal that if we loose our ideal weight we will get our belly buttons pierced. I have wanted to do that since I was 14 and never did because I thought I was overweight. What I would give to look like I did in highschool!