amarti24 Member


  • You might want to check with your gym if they will allow you to do that. I work at a gym and we do not allow people to workout in street clothes. On that note. I have a question for you: What kind of mind frame will you be in during your workout because you did not change? Would you push yourself in your everyday clothes…
  • Corn Tortillas really should have three ingredients in them. Corn, Water, Flour. I am lucky that I live in Chicago and we have AMAZING tortillas. It would be hard to live without it. Try your best to look for tortillas that are as close as you can in having these core ingredients.
  • I got this taylor food scale at target for about 20 bucks (even though the website has it marked for 29)
  • I did this last year. it worked great! Towards the end I did get to the point where running for time was very hard and I took off by doing what my body felt. when I did that i began to run up to 6 miles once a week. good luck
  • I really think each person is different. I did the elipitical the other day and it was pretty close. I NEVER rely on MFP. for me it is way off scale. It gives me an extra 100 calories burned. I rely on my hr monitor.
  • Mine came pretty quick. I lost weight in my face first. the second place was somewhere in my upper torso so my comments have been made on how much bigger my boobs are. Nope didn't lose weight in that area like I was really hoping to. :( So for me it was pretty noticeable right away by my closest friends and family.
  • try on the top there is an area you can choose "healthy meals" you can choose how many calories you want, what you want in the meal, etc. It will have the nutritional value on it which is GREAT. something good on there is a pizza recipe you can make with pita breads. Great for the kids too.
  • As my training for my triathlon increases the more calories I need to eat and I find myself having a hard time filling them in as well. My plan is to find healthy foods that are higher in calories. That way I can eat the same but raise my calorie count. If you go to they have a healthy section and you can…
  • I like to have cheat meals instead of days about once a week. I feel that you have a day it means you can binge and eat what your heart desires and that's not really right (imo). there are days where I will have a brunch and a dinner event. this will in return provide a whole day. it's funny but when I have those "cheat"…
  • I weigh on Friday's and then again on Monday. I just like to see if I had a bad weekend and how it effects me.
  • One thing I have found out with this site is it (unlike other sites) over estimates calories burned. My watch, which is specific to me, has me burning less calories. On a whole HRM are really great. Not so much to tell you how many calories you are burning but to keep your workouts in check. Making sure you are not over…
  • What kind of hrm is this? I am a big fan of the transmitter being around your chest. In cold weather it allows me to wear my watch on the outside of my jacket so I can see where I am at without lifting the sleeve every time.
  • I wonder if life for some people (communities) is really like this. It's so sad. I am finally watching it. for those of you who missed it don't worry you can see it for free at
  • some people say yes others say no. I am one that says yes. You need it to help fuel your body.
  • One of the biggest problems we have in this society is that we over eat. Keep that in mind. when I started this I did it for two reasons to learn how to fuel my body rather then just fill my cravings and get myself into shape for my first upcoming triathlon. I am on a swim team and run so I was already an active person, I…
  • Heart rate monitors are worth the investment if you don't have one. My range is between 132 to 162. I learned that if I go over 162 I begin to burn out quicker, my asthma picks up, and I get tired after my workout. I don't always stay within that but if I begin to feel any of the following I look at my HR monitor and I…
  • I do it twice a week. Friday and Monday. Helps me see where I was before and after the weekend. That way if I have a bad weekend I know that I made bad choices over the weekend. The hardest was the first 3 weeks since I had a few events but the past two/three weeks I've really gotten into a better routine and it's…
  • I am pretty much a person who is against anything that contains fake sweeteners. It is the lesser of the two evils. If I had a choice between a regular soda and a diet one I would never take diet. Your body is not meant to have this chemically produced sugar and there for doesn't quite know how to break it down. My…