vent4jesus Member


  • ty...I have 54 to go!
  • You can add me . I started at 310 but am 204 now. I am 5'5"...
  • Kicking the diet coke habit is not easy!! I travel all the time and do not like ordering water when eating out as I never know what the water will taste like from one state to the next. So I would always get a diet coke. Now I carry my green tea and crystal light with me in the little packages, and no mattter how the water…
  • my husband is losing a lot on a low carb diet. He has cut out breads, rice, pasta , etc. It must be healthy for you as he has been doing it for over a year and just had a physical. He will be 50 in November and the docs were really pleased with his numbers. They told him to keep it up! So good luck.
  • I am a Ventriloquist and my husband is a Gospel Magician. We travel full time and do shows...I love my job! This week we are in camp with 556 3rd through 6th graders! What fun! I also love the traveling part!