

  • Hi guys! I'm on Medifast too, and am down 50 pounds and 99 inches. I love it, it's easy for me, and it works and has motivated me to work out and have a much healthier lifestyle. I went from going out, drinking, eating terribly, to hiking, taking barre classes, eating clean, and cutting alcohol out completely. However, I…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that it must be so difficult, but you can also think about what your Grandpa would want for you - a vibrant, long life, and he would probably enourage you to be active and do yoru best to achieve that! As far as regular motivation, just reading these boards helps... Today for example I…
  • me too!!
  • Also, please beware if you are getting any physicals, etc done. They flood your liver and make any results come back as if your liver has deteriorated beyond working condition. I work in the life insurance field and see this all the time - and it takes 2-3 weeks for your body to get it all out so it shows a healthy liver…