

  • Hey Carissa, Do you do zumba in a class? I've been doing the ipad Zumba dance app for about 2 weeks and I'm enjoying it. Lots of different routines. I enjoy it even though I have no rhythm! At least no one can see me so it makes me more comfortable to go all out :).
  • One of the big challenges I have is finding time to actually sit and enjoy my food. I keep getting the advice not to gulp something down but really concentrate on it...however, lunch time is filled with errands I have to get done before class, or students coming to ask something, or collegues. I find that I never have time…
  • I like the water intake and weekly weigh-ins. I'd like advice threads on scheduling exercise in a teacher's day and eating schedules.
  • 145 pounds! That's amazing!
  • I really like tofu. One snack idea is to take extra-firm tofu. Wrap it in a towel and let it sit for 20-30 min. Then cut into 1 inch strips. On a plate, mix up some spices. I like garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, and basil but anything works. Roll the tofu in the spices. Then bake the strips for 20 minutes in a 350…
  • I just graduated from my teaching program. I'm looking for a job which is causing all types of stress. The last year of my program, I've put on 40 pounds so I'd like to meet others who are struggling with teaching and weight loss.
  • Are you still interested in meeting up?
  • Hi, I'm Michelle. I grew up in Port Coquitlam but moved to South Korea for 13 years. I've been back in BC for the past year and am currently in Port Moody. I started this journey in 2010 and had lost 75 pounds by August 2012 but I went back to school and gained 40 of it back. I'd like to lose 70-100 pounds but I'm…