

  • Welcome to the site :wink: .. I joined recently too .. its a really useful tool to tot up those calories .. I found it to be a real eye opener!! Enjoy :happy:
  • Hey you guys over the pond!.. I'm living in the UK in a little city called Lincoln. Nice to meet ya'll :)
  • Best of luck in losing more weight .. I have just come across an inspiring website full of healthy recipes that you might like to take a look at .. x
  • Hello :smile: Thanks for adding me :happy: I'm not trying a diet plan as such, I'm just making sure I stick to just 1200 calories a day I'm really impressed with your exercise ... sometimes adding up to over 1000 calories burned!! What sort of exercise do you do?
  • You're not the only one !!! I don't drink either :) Good job as I'm betting there are plenty of calories in them !!!