genderwar Member


  • Thanks for the suggestions! I probably eat twice a week or so, mostly working lunches. Since I work in neighborhood development, we always go to local small neighborhood places. I also go every other week for mexican on margarita night. :) We used to go every week, but we switched to every other week to be healthier! I…
  • Hey Ladies! I would love to join! I'm 5'10.5" SW: 305 CW: 260 GW: 150, though I really can't imagine being under 200, so we'll see what happens when I hit that point. My SW is what I was when I went to the Dr. several months ago. I don't have a scale, so I hadn't been weighed since then. I've been watching what I eat and…
  • I'm 5'10.5" and right now I'm aiming for 150. I haven't been under 200 since about 7th or 8th grade, so I think I'll reevaluate when I get closer. I really can't imagine what less than 200 would look/feel like.
  • Is your dad a big guy? Maybe he feels intimidated by the idea that you are changing and he's not? I know that a lot of times people will be co-dependent with others and subconsciously try to stop them from success because they don't want to be left by themselves in misery. Not that it's an excuse, but it can be really…
  • You are gorgeous! Keep up the good work!
  • Wow! You look fantastic! As someone over 300 lbs, I always believe it won't be noticeable until I've lost more than 60 lbs or so. But, that 44 lbs looks like SO MUCH WEIGHT (which it is, I suppose haha). It's so obvious how much weight you have lost and all that you have done! Keep it up! You will be posting your "after"…