

  • Because I don't have the time nor the appropriate schedule to be cooking my own foods or be doing exercises-so before I was at least doing what I could to eat healthy AND I was using break times to do some serious fast pace walking. I try to eat a lot of fruit now but I'm not drinking as much water as I was. I think I…
  • Don't feel like you've let yourself down if you miss out on a work out 1-2 days a week. It's healthy to give your body a rest. Maybe even find a way to get your kiddies involved in an exercise? Like running at a park or the backyard?
  • My Mum had a second child at 37 years of age and has spent the last 2 years losing the weight she put on as well as losing more from before that. The last few weeks, she's been noticing she's not losing anymore weight but instead she is gaining more muscle. She looks very healthy, is the smallest she has been in years and…
  • What's Power 90? Never heard of that term before. I was just going to start easing into strength exercises. Wii Fit has a good start for all of that. I actually Model for Suicide Girls, Rebel Belles, Hypnotic Curves & Voodoo Dolls. Just haven't been able to post any sets for atleast.. A year. That's so depressing! I used…
  • I usually go with spot acne gels, they do help and I find 'cleansers' just don't do anything but waste money. As for the modelling, I actually don't do commercial modelling nor work for any agencies. It's mostly freelance for Goth Clothing Labels, Expos, Tattoo Magazines. More of an Alternative Model then a Commercial…
  • This is my main problem for trying to maintain a healthy weight at all and why my weight has now completely flunctuated. I can eat healthy foods day in and day out but if it tastes good or I know there's an unhealhier equivalent to what I'm eating-I overeat thinking I can get away with it! I hear water is really good for…