

  • Good luck too you!! Counting calories, as I have found can be challenging, but this is an awesome tool to help with just that.
  • I agree, you should weigh in once a week not everyday. I weigh in every Thursday morning before I eat or drink anything. I am loosing an average of 2 lbs a week. And as far as the cheats, I believe if you don't meet your cravings then you will never be successful. Just be sure to not go crazy with it, get it moderate…
    in Weigh In! Comment by caart4 July 2011
  • I was addicted to Diet Pepsi, and when I started my diet I had a hard time giving it up. But then I was reading about diet POP one day on an app I have for my phone and it said that even though diet soda has no calories it counter acts all the good you are trying to do with your diet. So I decided to stop drinking it and…
  • I believe that you should eat what you are craving, but eat it in controlled portions. If you don't stop the craving, it won't go away. We have bought things like Snack wells 100 calorie packs. There are several varieties of things that will cover the salt and the chocolate/ sweet tooth and they are already portioned for…