

  • Hey don;t give up. As mentioned before Bariatric surgery is a tool. If you abuse it it will hurt you. If you use it properly it will last and give you what you need. I had surgery her on Toronto (Roux-En-Y procedure) six months ago now. We also have a support group which is very helpful and meet monthly. The professional I…
  • Every Monday Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Awesome some other folks had some good suggestions as well. Like I said since we are using MFP let the site do the calc work. I did notice in your comment just now about now starting to have breakfast. Based on that statement I will assume ans sorry if I got it wrong your not eating regularly because of that caloric low…
  • There are many factors and opinions. Here is my two cents. First I would ensure you have your MFP settings correct, as in your weight updated and goal weight set. Ensure your only set to loose a pound (sorry not sure what that is in stone) a week. Eating what you burned is fine, I've never done it yet, but on days where…
  • Cardio, weight training is the only way. The suggest above are all good. Basically you have to keep at it and use weights. Nothing heavy just enough to work the muscle and tone. The problem is it takes longer and more work to gain muscle then to loose it and there are no short cuts :(. You can take some protein shakes to…