chicpower1 Member


  • Egg salad sandwich made with light mayo on a wheat tortilla, raw green bell pepper, raw cauliflower, a Tbs of roasted garlic hummus, and a big old glass of water with lemon! I could eat egg salad every day of my life I think. lol
  • I am top heavy with a whole lot of weight in my stomach/mid-section and upper body yet I have these fabulous, thin, shapely legs. I was at a yard sale last weekend with a friend who held up a sweater dress and said, "Isn't this cute?!" I said, "yeah, sure, I'm an egg with legs, that would look FABULOUS to show of my egg…
  • I've lost weight following the PINK Method "diet"/lifestyle change but I use it more as a guide. It provides me with a comprehensive list of veggies, proteins, fruits, etc that keep you feeling fuller. I'm not supposed to be eating processed foods on it, but I find that unrealistic, especially since I'm often out of the…
  • Well, it's not a non-veggie but since it doesn't TASTE like a veggie my favorite go-to snack is cauliflower stir fry "rice". Chop the cauliflower finely into rice consistency and stir fry just as you would regular rice. Add in whatever you want to flavor it or cook with it, toss in a small amount of low sodium soy sauce…
  • If they have the product Midnite PM in your area try picking that up. It's all all natural, herbal remedy that doesn't knock you out, isn't addictive, and really has no side effects. It just helps you relax and kind of slow your brain down a bit so you can fall into a natural sleep. Best part is you can take it at 4am,…
  • Thank you so much for sharing! You are a living, breathing testimony to the rest of us that this CAN be done. I personally appreciate it because this story is what I needed to hear today. I am only 2 days into a lifestyle change with 50 lbs to lose. That feels monumental to me, but it's nothing compared to what you have…
  • I use BeautiControl's Detox Bath Soak when I want to do one. Been using their detox soaks for years and man-oh-man do they work! Of course, they are not as cheap as the homemade. I typically save mine for when I'm getting sick. I do a 30 minute soak and the sicker I am, the more the water color changes. (It's clinical…
  • I'm starting a detox/cleanse myself tomorrow and my chosen route is the P.I.N.K. Method. I did this last year with tremendous success and can honestly say I've never felt better in my entire life. There is a very comprehensive listing of approved foods on the menu and they can be consumed cooked, raw, steamed, whatever…
  • I purchased PINK last year after about 6 months doing just MFP. For people like me, it's actually a great method for retraining yourself. I KNOW what's good for my body and what's not, but I prefer a nice long list and the recipes all together in one book saying, "Eat this. Do this.". I need STRUCTURE! lol. One thing I can…
  • Have you considered the P.I.N.K. Method? I've been on it for 2 weeks and have lost 8 lbs so far and am moving into the next phase. I really like this because it's all about walking you through permanent lifestyle change and learning a new way of thinking. Comes with the workout DVD's too. I realize that…
  • I'm drinking protein shakes each morning as part of the P.I.N.K. Method and LOVE them. I prefer BioChem All Natural Whey Protein from Whole Food. 90 calories per serving, 22 gms protein, no artificial flavors. I mix a scoop with a cup of fresh or frozen strawberries and a cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk (or you can use Rice…
  • WAY TO GO! Big difference! You and I are at the same place weight-wise. I was 196 two weeks ago (had previously lost 12 lbs on MFP then gained it back) and somehow in the last 2 weeks dropped to 191 just before starting PINK. Must've been water weight. LOL. On PINK RESET day 1 and cannot wait to see what I weigh at the end…
  • led6777, it's specific to women and is not for men. The program, diet, and exercises are designed for our bodies and our particular issues. Specific veggies and foods to address hormones, thyroid, water weight, etc. And the exercise is very targeted towards helping women lose the fat where they tend to carry it, sculpt…
  • I'd love an extra buddy! I'm 5'6 (and a quarter so not too far off from you. lol) and need to lose 46 pounds. I lost weight on MFP back in the summer but then went back to my old habits and gained it back. Starting PINK Method tomorrow since it is very close to what I was doing in the summer (but with more education…
  • I retain water like mad. Something I just learned, that I didn't know, is that beets are great for flushing out water weight! I just bought some today. HATE beets but I have a smoothie recipe and you can't taste the beets so all the benefit without the taste. lol
  • I think delivery time depends on where you live. I'm located in TN and I ordered the PINK Method on Tuesday. It shipped out of their warehouse Wednesday and was already at Nashville UPS by Friday. I checked the status online and saw that UPS had transferred the package to USPS for final delivery (which could be the hold up…
  • I tried my own variation of the Cabbage Soup Diet several years ago when I just wanted to lose a little weight (back then I was actually at a pretty healthy weight! lol) I too LOVE cabbage soup and decided to break myself of my carb and sugar addictions, which were my primary downfalls, but going short term on cabbage…
  • I like to purchase alot of raw fruits and veggies, which can get very expensive, so I collect grocery ads from all my surrounding towns (within a 45 mile radius) and scour them for sales on the items I need. Then I ad match at Walmart since I have a Walmart just a few miles from my house.
  • I AM! My package shipped today and yes, it would be really nice to have an MFP support system. I'm finding alot of negativity about it, and there ARE negative aspects depending on the person. This diet isn't for everyone, but it fits my personality well and is the type of program--PROGRAM, not diet--very well. I'm trying…
  • I just purchased the plan today to, against the advice of my MFP friends so I know how you feel about negative comments. I honestly couldn't find anything "bad" about the plan. I've been all over their website looking at the menu, the meal plans, the workouts, and it all looks fabulous and healthy to me. In fact, I cannot…
  • I've been extensively researching it for a couple of days and just ordered it today. I've been to the company's website,, I've heard what The Doctor's and Dr Phil have to say about it, I've found websites that critique it that have no connection whatsoever other than to provide data and a list of pro's…
  • I just ordered the PINK Method myself and cannot WAIT to try it! I'm the type of person who needs someone to say "eat this. now do this" and then I can take it and run with it. I'm looking at this as a training for lifestyle change, not a quick fix. I suspect I will lose weight just as easily as when I was on the diabetic…
  • That stranger was right though, you were already beautiful to begin with and are absolutely stunning now!!!! Great job!
  • What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing! I live in TN now but am originally from MO. I'm about to head that way in the near future for a family reunion. Trying to prepare myself because I know how my family eats. No one knows what a vegetable is. LOL!
  • I would wait just a bit longer to give your body time to recover from the 10 month old. It's generally not recommended to have a baby so soon after. Perhaps in about 6-8 months?
  • I like making veggie sandwiches with cucumbers. I use a mini bagel or a whole wheat low cal bagel, toasted, with a smidgeon of light cream cheese and top it with cucumber slices, red pepper, red onion, avocado, and a dash of salt and pepper. VERY filling, low cal, and quite tasty. This is a summertime favorite with my…
  • I started as a music education major and quickly realized the job field was bad so I dropped out of college and went back years later to get an Associate's Degree in Medical Assisting. I've actually not had an opportunity to work in my field because I got pregnant again last year (Surprise!) but feel I'll do just fine when…
  • I ad-match at Walmart. We're a one income family so healthy food really impacts our budget. I pick up the nearest city paper, and then go through each ad to see who has the best deals on meat, fresh produce, reduced fat chips, etc. I gather all the data together and then also check to see if I have any matching coupons.…
  • Steamed chicken and broccoli with garlic sauce is one of the lower cal options for chinese and absolutely DELICIOUS. When I had gestational diabetes this was my go-to because of the low carb content along with lower cal. Go easy on the sauce and rice and you'll have a delicious, low-cal meal. I still order it even when I'm…
  • Okay! I just finished Day 4 and what a difference from Day 1 to today!