electricgypsy Member


  • most of the treadmills at the gym i go to are set in km per hour so i got on the treadmill puched in 7.5 for speed and started. it felt a bit hard but i carried on until i was quite out of breath. it occured to me it was probabaly mph instead so i tried to work out the speed i wanted, i was so absorped in this i was about…
  • i dont think a white dress and an english january are happy playmates! :) i want a research career in cogntive neuroscience at the minute and clinical is my second choice. the nice thing with psychology is there isn't much that isn't interesting.a lot depends on what postgrad is available when i come to apply.
  • i'm a second year psychology undergrad... i dont have the answers but heres food thought: 1.when we problem solve we have two options a quick option which takes little effort and a longer route which takes more effort but gives a more accurate results. we use the quicker option automatically and far, far more than the…
  • i'm a bride to be too!!! :happy: i'm getting married on jan 15th 2011, in a country hotel. i have a red ball gown type dress with a small train which i found in a sample sale. the dress just about fits now so my goal is to keep it fitting :ohwell:
  • you are perfectly healthy :) stats and averages aren't everything! low body fat isn't too good for you just as high body fat isn't.
  • is there an asian supermarket? you'd probably get dried seaweed and umboeshi plums there. dried seaweed is nicer than it sounds :)
  • i've 2 weeks to go on my 2nd year of a psychology degree, from september i'm going to juggle my last undergraduate year, my wedding and finding a postgead course which is obligitory for regestration with the british psychological society. theres a 12 month research project in all that somewhere too ;) its tough but i do…
  • for my wedding for when i graduate from uni to avoid long term health issues........ and because i'm vain :)
  • you can fix being overwieght, its harder for him to fix being an a**hole!! don't let a jerk like that ruin your good work. its sad that there are people like.
  • well i looked at the website and i cant say i thought much of it. you can activate meridian points for accupressure without a patch and homeopathic remedies should be prescribed by a homeopath, they give you a unique dose and prescription which is why people like them. i'm quite open minded but it didn't appeal to me. it…
  • melt with an equal amount of chocolate, butter, a spoonful or two of honey and stir in oatmeal or rye flakes, spoon into mini cases and chill. in the very tiny muffin cases they work out to about 37 cal each.
  • you deserve to be happy, its your right and not only do you owe to yourself but your children too. :flowerforyou: no-one who truly cares for you would make you unhappy. there's no shame in being alone for awhile, be brave. :happy:
  • in the uk our undergraduate law schools offer clinics which are free. do have anything like that over there? get them to check it over before you agree then.
  • you got muscle!! check your measurements rather than weight and see if they've improved :)
  • sometimes i struggle to eat my calories but i persit, saturday i had to eat 2200 calories which would have been way more fun if they weren't meant to be healthy. try snacking on peanut butter or protein bars, they add up quick and are healthy too.
  • you need serious protein and eating to keep up with your workouts!! try having 2 full rest days a week if your not ready to give up the workouts entirely?
  • my mum had fibroids it was her TOM for 28 days out of 30, she had a scrape and a coil fitted and it worked really well, both were done as brief day surgeries. best thing is just see your doctor :)
  • try and fit your meals around the run. one about an hour or two before and then a snack and a big drink after. i can barely move my *kitten* if haven't eaten before i go :)
  • me too :) its working so far so i see no harm in it.
  • find a replacement activity. when you get the urge to eat, read for example and tell yourself if i'm still hungry after i've read this chapter then i'll eat. the urge may well have passed by the time you get to that point. :)
  • try and do some strength training too. alternate it with the cardio.
  • i wish i could eat over my protein more. i struggle there cos i just love my carbs :(
  • i liked steamed veggies as they stay crunchie. also make lasagne using tomato and bechmel sauce but put a selection of veg in the tomato sauce (which counts as a veg on its own) soups are also an easy way to eat a few, cook the veg, blitz with vegetable stock or milk and pop back on the stove to warm through.
  • not even the drug companies always know exactly how a drug works!! they're trialled on a does it work and is it safe(ish basis).
  • statistics are just numbers in need of interpretation which always causes trouble!!! ignoring people is hard but its the best way. i've been a vegetarian for years now and i get tired of the same conversations about it so i dont have them. as long as you're happy it doesn't matter what others think.
  • try something new. that always cheers me up! you sound a little blue to me, don't be so hard on yourself and let it pass :)
  • a treat now and then doesn't hurt! don't feel too bad about it :) i ate pizza for dinner yesterday too but i had to run for an hour to get the calories for it.
  • your BMR is the minimum amount of calories you need for your body to do its stuff. It is not healthy to be underthis long term. Too much of any food regardless of it is source is bad. imagine eating only bananas all the time? There are different kinds of sugars found naturally short chain sugars such as glucose and…
  • make a french style bean salad with lemon juice and vinagerette flavoured with mint and parsley.
  • thank you for replying, joanne i'm glad my little effort helped you too :bigsmile: