

  • :laugh: LOL! I know what ya mean, But most of the time I can't here her over my own gasping LOL
  • something I learned from a trainer, is that if you do not drink enough water, your body will retain a lot.. But, when you drink enough, "on a consistent basis" your body will release it..... I guess when your body is use to being replenished all the time. It doesn't hold onto any extra. So maybe your body is now balanced…
  • Right now I am on week 4 with Slim in 6, I bought it years ago, but never stuck with it longer than 2 weeks. So this time I bought Turbo Jam as my next step............ I am hoping that if I have it before me I will graduate from Slim in 6..... right now I am thinking it is going to take longer than 6 weeks to get it done.…
  • Just thought I would stop by and say Hi, I am a 30 year old, homeschool, mother of three. I have been working out for 4 weeks now, I lost 7.5 inches. But, gained four pounds. I am really hoping to see the little gain, gone when I get back on the scale Monday. But, I have noticed a huge difference in the way my cloths fit.…