TheHungryMedic Member


  • I like to brink pretzel sticks with me as a snack. Separated into individual servings they are more then you think! try it out!!
  • Here is how I look at and do it: In the end it is two days and that sucks. So what I do is I choose a time that I consider one day over and the new one begins (For me its 2am) I don't use midnight because I am active late into the day, both at work and at home. This gives you a little overlap that seems more reasonable…
  • if it helps you feel better, when ever I start on a "Go" with MFP (will power lacks often) I usually see a small upward trend before I start to loose. If you stay within you Cal limits and make common sense choices with your food then you should start seeing a drop quickly. Hope that helps.