

  • I monitor my HR very closely as it is common for me to be pushing my max. My resting HR has always been a little high. One thing I have noticed is that is really depends on how I feel that day. If I am to tired, or if I didn't eat properly. I take a spin class called RPM and if its the same instructor its the same class as…
  • One of my favorites currently as well.
  • Love it!
  • There are 7 days this week. Someday isn't one of them.
  • Take pride in how far you have come & have faith in how far you can go. Hard work is a 2 way street. You get back exactly what you put in. At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says " i'm possible" - audrey hepburn Yestday you said…
  • When life knocks you down - do a BURPEE! Begin - the rest is easy. I am just striving to be more more than I have ever been. You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You Choose. We are what we repeatedly do. Exellence than is not an act but a habit. Far from what I once was but not yet what I am going to…
  • Club Manager & Insurance Coordinator for two Snap Fitness Centers. Certified Personal Trainer at both as well as having my own PT business.
  • I have the ft7, ft4 and now ft80 by polar. They are very accurate. My new one allows me to put in my vo2max which helps with the accuracy and it's always on with my others. As long as you have your info in you should be good. It monitors your heart rate which "average" or generic calorie quoting doesn't. While usually…