samsonov77 Member


  • i used a body bugg for a week a few years ago (it was a free trial) and it was EXACTLY the same as my $100 heart rate monitor. And a heart rate monitor isn't HUGE!! (wearing that thing around your upper arm is SUPER annoying, especially with anything other than a tank top on)
  • Hey ladies! Agreed with the woman above :) Exercising at a higher intensity (such as the ones you talk about when you're in spin class, etc) burns more total calories and more fat calories. This isn't to say that low intensity exercise doesn't have it's place. In fact, endurance workouts should be a staple of a complete…
  • I'm a Zumba instructor...LOVE IT :) and I burn about 650 calories each class :) HAVE FUN!!
    in Zumba? Comment by samsonov77 April 2010
  • RIGHT ON! i'm a Zumba instructor, and i burn WAY more calories teaching my classes than i do on any machine in the gym, or for that matter, any of the other classes i teach here!!! KEEP ON DANCIN!!
  • hey there! I used a BodyBugg about 2 years ago (I am the Group Exercise Manager at my gym so I got APEX to give it to me for free for a 2 month trial). I was so excited to see how many calories I was burning, and surprise, it was SO super close to all of the "online calorie calculators" i'd always tried. After 2 weeks, I…
  • Elizabeth, first off...GOOD LUCK!!! you've got this!! Second, I'm a group exercise instructor and 100% believe in Group Exercise Classes to keep you motivated. I just taught a Zumba class this morning and had a group of 30 women shakin and moving and sweating, all with smiles on their's the best! If you like to…
  • hey sarah :) i've been on Zoloft, Prozac, and now Celexa and have NEVER had any weight gain with any of them. Side effects totally vary from person to person (I've read a lot about how Celexa knocks you out and makes you does NONE of that tome). In fact , when I was on Zoloft I lost 15 pounds. And now that I'm…