

  • This is all really good advice. A combination of what everyone has suggested should do the trick. :) Thanks everyone for replying!
  • I think some animal rights vegetarians and vegans don't realize that pushing their beliefs on somebody else is often just going to turn them away from it! While I do try to educate friends to things, I never preach or try to force my lifestyle on anyone. I have known a few of those types, so I totally get where you're…
  • I agree 100%. The men in my family hunt and they are humane, and that's very important. Also, for someone who doesn't have a problem eating meat, I always encourage purchasing meats from local farmers as their animals are not abused, neglected, tortured or fed things they shouldn't eat like in factory farming. My uncle and…
  • I'm a vegetarian. When I was a teenager (age fifteen), I started to think about the world and develop a sense of self. Eating meat was one of the many things I pondered, and I came to the conclusion that I ethically couldn't handle knowing a living animal had to die for my dinner plate. Personal choice, I have nothing…