

  • Hi - Such a nice post. I'm doing the 1200 thing and sometimes get frustrated when it says that I eat too few calories that day because I have been trying to be really good. The balance is tough. Also been on vacation for the last week or so and that makes it doubly challenging to hit the right range. Congrats on your loss…
  • Thanks for all the good replies. They do help. I am just one of the most impatient people on the planet. I'm finding most of the FMP bits manageable and not too burdensome and it definitely encourages me to exercise more when I want to eat 3 meals a day. Not hard to get to 1200 cals. However, I thought a personal scale…
  • Wow - this is a quick response. For "eating back the calories" - I think that is a yes. I eat more than 1200 on days that I exercise. Doing very well for me on water (8-10 per day) and I am a good sleeper. The 6 lbs in 3ish weeks may be a little artificial as I used the weight from the doctor and then a new scale at home.…
  • Thanks for the inspiration! Can you tell me what "low carbs" really means? Does it mean no carbs? I'm doing good on calories but I just simply like potatoes....besides other.