louwho777 Member


  • Im here too!!! I've lost nearly 30 lbs over the last 4 months with no excercise yet. Eliminating grains is definately what is working for me.
  • Everyone has an opinion on how to do this. I've lost almost 30 lbs in the last 4 months after being a yoyo dieter for the last 20 years but I think I've finally figured it out. If you have the time, read the books "wheat belly", by Dr Davis, "why we get fat" by gary taubes, and watch the dvd "fathead". You can get most of…
  • Hey there. I understand. You can do this. I've been a yo-yo dieter for the last 20 years, and I couldn't take it anymore just looking at myself. Educate yourself. Read everything you can about health and diet. What turned the tide for me was a book called "Wheat Belly". I've lost 10 lbs this month - no exercise, just…
  • Crewsicka... You said exactly what I was thinking.