

  • There are some great exercise videos on I looked some up and tried them out.. some are 5 mins, 10 mins, 20 mins... theyre fun and like the ladies said... pace yourself, with something you like to watch on tv. I like to workout while "People's court" is on the box... Thats an hour and I don't even realize the…
  • Good Luck Lilysmom!! I hope to get into a new bathing suit too this summer.. I am so motivated.. NO EXCUSES :bigsmile:
  • Hi Alice, GM Ladies!!! I'm Wendy (aka Visionairess) I joined MFP about 16 days ago now... The last time I weighed myself (Dec 28th 2011) I was 220lbs and I'm hoping to get down to at least 185 (eventuallY) but I want to get to 200lbs first. I live in Toronto and I'm looking for daily inspiration and hope to give aspiration…
  • Hey Ladies!! Toronto, ON Here!! :drinker:
  • Best of luck.... I just started for the new year and I'm still going... I think this website (mobile app) will be a great help for me too.